
Why Won’t My Baby Look At Me When I Hold Them? (5 Potential Reasons Explaining This Behaviour)
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Why Won’t My Baby Look At Me When I Hold Them? (5 Potential Reasons Explaining This Behaviour)

Typically, babies start direct eye contact with their parents and hold their gaze at around 6 weeks. And once they start doing it intentionally – what an incredible moment for their parents that is! Especially when the eye gazing is paired with a gummy smile and cheerful cooing 🙂 During this…

Can I Throw My Baby Up In The Air? (5 Major Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Do It!)

Can I Throw My Baby Up In The Air? (5 Major Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Do It!)

We all love to make babies laugh and squirm with joy. Often, we will do whatever it takes to see this gorgeous gummy smile on the little one’s face. One of the common ways to do that is by tossing your baby up in the air and catching it back.  But…