Month: April 2022

Why do babies grind their teeth while sleeping? (Here are 10 Reasons Why)

Why do babies grind their teeth while sleeping? (Here are 10 Reasons Why)

Many parents are not aware that their babies grind their teeth during sleep. That’s because it is hard to spot. Except for the clicking and grinding you may have heard by chance. And hearing that can really distress a parent. Sometimes they may become aware of it much later – during…

Why Do Babies Like To Cover Their Faces With Blankets? (3 Reasons Why)

Why Do Babies Like To Cover Their Faces With Blankets? (3 Reasons Why)

It is not uncommon for babies to put a blanket over their faces. It’s still OK, and it’s kind of cute when they’re awake playing peek-a-boo or something like that. However, it is not OK, and it can be really frightening for parents to see their baby’s face buried in a…

Can Babies Manipulate Their Parents Into Doing Something?

Can Babies Manipulate Their Parents Into Doing Something?

Some parents feel manipulated by their baby’s excessive cries. They believe their babies won’t settle until they pick them up and soothe them in their arms. But do babies really have the mental capability, awareness, and critical thinking ability to allow them to take advantage and control their parent’s behaviour? The…

How Can You Tell If Your Baby Is Intelligent? (10 Signs To Look Out For)

How Can You Tell If Your Baby Is Intelligent? (10 Signs To Look Out For)

We all want to believe that our babies are brilliant intellectual prodigies. And, in fact, a particularly “gifted” baby may indeed show some early signals that may indeed suggest that. Read on to find out how can you tell if your baby is a born genius. How Can You Tell If…

Why Are My Baby’s Fingernails Falling Off? (The 6 Most Common Reasons)

Why Are My Baby’s Fingernails Falling Off? (The 6 Most Common Reasons)

It is commonly believed that the state of a person’s fingernails reveals a lot about their health. Therefore, any changes in the appearance and structure of their nails may indicate an underlying medical condition. And the possibilities are endless. As such, seeing your baby lose nails can be quite distressing and…