Month: May 2022

Why Do Babies Have To Lie Flat Until 6 Months? (Here’s What You Need To know)

Why Do Babies Have To Lie Flat Until 6 Months? (Here’s What You Need To know)

Many parents wonder whether it is necessary to buy a carrycot to allow the baby to lie completely flat. After all, it will only be needed for the first 4-6 months before transitioning to a pushchair. Therefore, they would rather avoid buying yet another costly baby “gadget”. Unless there is a…

How To Stop Acidic Poo In Breastfed Babies? (2 Common Reasons & Solutions!)

How To Stop Acidic Poo In Breastfed Babies? (2 Common Reasons & Solutions!)

Acidic poop in babies usually leads to an ugly and particularly irritating nappy rash. If it’s not handled quickly, the nappy rash may turn into bright red blisters, which would make a baby’s bottom extremely sore. If you experienced this with your baby – you know exactly how bad it can…

How To Fix My Baby’s Ears That Stick Out? (6 Solution For Protruding Ears)

How To Fix My Baby’s Ears That Stick Out? (6 Solution For Protruding Ears)

Ears, like any other part of a human body, come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. It is estimated that between 2 to 5% of the population has sticking-out ears. This abnormality is usually inherited, like any physical trait. But, around 30% of babies develop protruding ears in the first…

How To Stop Baby Ears From Popping On A Plane Journey? (6 Practical Tips To Ease Your Baby’s Discomfort)

How To Stop Baby Ears From Popping On A Plane Journey? (6 Practical Tips To Ease Your Baby’s Discomfort)

Have you ever experienced this unpleasant sensation of ear-popping and muffled sound when travelling by plane? These symptoms typically occur when the plane ascends and descends. Because that’s when the rapid change in the air pressure occurs, and the ears need to adjust to it. So, when you realize how disturbing…