Baby Behaviour

Can Babies Manipulate Their Parents Into Doing Something?

Can Babies Manipulate Their Parents Into Doing Something?

Some parents feel manipulated by their baby’s excessive cries. They believe their babies won’t settle until they pick them up and soothe them in their arms. But do babies really have the mental capability, awareness, and critical thinking ability to allow them to take advantage and control their parent’s behaviour? The…

How Can You Tell If Your Baby Is Intelligent? (10 Signs To Look Out For)

How Can You Tell If Your Baby Is Intelligent? (10 Signs To Look Out For)

We all want to believe that our babies are brilliant intellectual prodigies. And, in fact, a particularly “gifted” baby may indeed show some early signals that may indeed suggest that. Read on to find out how can you tell if your baby is a born genius. How Can You Tell If…

Is It OK For Babies To Stare At Light? (Here’s What You Must Know)

Is It OK For Babies To Stare At Light? (Here’s What You Must Know)

The babies’ vision is limited at birth. They can’t see further than about 30 cm (12 inches) away. Neither can they see any colour – only black and white and very little contrast. Thus, their eyes are focused on what they can actually see, which is light! Babies’ vision undergoes intense…

Why Are My Baby’s Eyebrows So Light? (3 Factors That Determine Your Baby’s Eyebrows and Hair Colour)

Why Are My Baby’s Eyebrows So Light? (3 Factors That Determine Your Baby’s Eyebrows and Hair Colour)

At birth, many babies have non-existent or super-light and fine hair. Others are born with a full head of hair. The same goes for eyebrows. After all, every baby is unique and grows hair at its own pace. What’s more, there are big chances that the colour and texture of their…

Why Does My Baby Hate Tummy Time? (Here’s What You Need To Know)

Why Does My Baby Hate Tummy Time? (Here’s What You Need To Know)

The baby should begin practising tummy time once the umbilical cord stump falls off throughout the first year of life. That’s an official recommendation from healthcare professionals. Easier said than done, huh? The truth is, not many kiddies are into lying face-down flat on their stomach. Some of them absolutely hate…

7 Weird And Surprising Facts About Babies That No One Told You
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7 Weird And Surprising Facts About Babies That No One Told You

You had nine months to prepare for the arrival of your little bundle of joy. You took antenatal classes. You read those pregnancy and baby care books. You know all about labour, delivery and, of course – the benefits of breastfeeding. And you know how to keep your baby alive. Feed,…

What Is My Baby Trying To Tell Me? (Baby’s Cues and Body Language Explained)

What Is My Baby Trying To Tell Me? (Baby’s Cues and Body Language Explained)

Although newborns can’t talk, they are still perfectly able to communicate with us right from birth. In essence, they use their facial expression and body language to let us know their needs and emotions. Now, it is not always easy to figure out what they are trying to say, but there…